Consortium for the protection of the historical castles of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Motore di ricerca

Palazzo Fortificato di Rivarotta (Pasiano di Pordenone)

All that is left of the ancient Castle Rivarotta is a fortified house furnished with a round tower. We have to use our imagination to figure out how it must have looked in 888, when Emperor Berengarius I, while ratifying a number of donations to the Abbey of Sesto al Reghena, referred to it as “Curtis de Ripafracta” - a curtis was “a group of residential dwellings and other ancillary buildings used for the storage of food, huddled around a palatial residence”. The castle was first recorded in 781, when Emperor Charlemagne granted to the Abbey of Sesto the feudal holding of the estates donated by the Lombard king Adalgis, including the royal curtis of Rivarotta. Subjected to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Concordia, around the mid 13th century it was granted to the Counts of Prata.